Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ghetto Biennale update

Bonjour Tout Moun!
The project is coming together slowly but surely. Jean Elie and I have met several times to discuss the theoretical framework of the project rooting it firmly in the readings of Homi K Bhabha, bell hooks, and Franz Fanon. I have been doing research in Jean Elie's extensive library. He is an authority on Haitian history and a wonderful host!
We have one fabulous actor, Gran Lakou choreographer Yonel and are looking for one female actor and a drummer for the performance in Port au Prince. The performance date is still to be confirmed.
We have also teamed up with FOSAJ artist Macarthur to assist in making papier machet masks to be used in the final performance.
Jean Elie and I will go to the Jacmel countryside within the week to collect stories for our project.
Thank you all for supporting our project, we will keep you posted with images and writings as the project unfolds.
Mezi Anpil!
Ivy Jeanne

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